
 Cocke County Elementary Schools Athletic Association (CCESAA) Eligibility Rules:

A.  A player who becomes fifteen (15) years of age on or before August 1 during the
school year concerned will become ineligible to play on an elementary team.

B / C. No student may play on any athletic team unless he/she maintains good attendance achieves acceptable grades. Specifically, if a student has more than one (1) F on their report for the first 9-weeks then they are ineligible to play any sport. A student is able to regain eligibility at mid-term of the following 9-week grading period (which is twenty-three (23) days into the second 9-week grading
period). A grade report on the student will be requested by the coach and/or administrator and if there are no F’s on that grade report, they are eligible to participate. If they have any F’s on that mid-term report, then they are ineligible until the end of the second 9-week grading period. After regaining eligibility at any point during the season, they the student must have no F’s on each mid-term and 9-
week grade reports to remain eligible to participate.

D. Each student shall secure the permission of his/her parent or legal guardian to participate in the
elementary basketball program. This permission shall be in written form on documents provided by the
school. Each principal shall keep these on file for the duration of the school year.

E. Each player shall carry some type of insurance that will cover injuries sustained in athletic competition. Proof of insurance must be presented prior to participation in tryouts.

F. Each player shall have a physical examination by qualified personnel (physician,
physician assistant, or nurse practitioner) to determine fitness for athletic competition. Physicals may be done after the teams are selected, but must be completed before participation in any game.

G. A student who drops out of school before the end of the semester shall be ineligible toparticipate in the elementary athletic program until he/she has been enrolled in school for a semester andhas passed his/her work in compliance with Rule IV-1 (B).

H. The Attendance Supervisor is given authority to check all eligibility forms.

I. A student-athlete who has an unexcused absence from school for ½ of a day or more will not be allowed to participate in any athletic event that occurs on that day. If a student-athlete has an unexcused absence on the day following an athletic event, he or she will not be permitted to attend the next athletic event (either home or away). (For example, if a student has a game on Monday and then has an
unexcused tardy or absence on Tuesday, he or she may not participate in or attend the next athletic event). Chronic tardies will result in a game suspension.

J. A student-athlete may play on another CCESAA sanctioned school team if his/her home school does not participate in that sport. Ex. Golf, Volleyball, etc.

K. Any student who repeats 6 th , 7 th , or 8 th grade for any reason shall not be eligible in any sport until they have reached the next higher grade.

Athletics Contact at Schools

Edgemont Elementary School
Nathan Chambers